Fill up Your EVALUATION Surveys!

You as a student has the responsibility to do your part in filling up the evaluation surveys of your taken subjects. The survey due date on 17th of APRIL 2009 so please complete it ASAP!

Only require you to fill in all related subjects survey except MORAL.

BUT if you still want to do MORAL Survey PLEASE CONTINUE READING!!!FOLLOW THE STEPS!!! **This survey only for those students who are under Ms Chew Wei Wei.


Go to this page and click on "Unit and Instructor Evaluation Survey SBS" please make sure your JAVA and cookie are enabled.

Next follow on the picture guide you through.

Now it require you to key in password...Yeah no one knows the password so no need to do? But actually they given the hint which is our tutor name but without space "chewweiwei" like this then you can do the survey.

That's all!

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Jaeron said...

cant find moral one leh,that day cikgu said in lecture got le but i still can't find it,jus until jus now still can't..anyone got saw it pls tell me..

Jaeron said...

except moral??
cikgu said need do it leh, jus can't find it nia, dunno hide at where or failed to upload again.

SamSeiko said...

I tried to search but i can't find it too....last week it's in the Survey folder but now it's empty too! You seen what Ms Geh wrote so just follow and you will get your exam slip =)

SamSeiko said...

now can do moral survey jor so read the steps and follow it otherwise cannot complete :D