4 signs you have a bad boss

1) Your employees are out sick -- a lot.

Employees will fake sickness to avoid a bad boss, they will try taking sick leave a lot more than other firms. A 2008 Swedish study that tracked more than 3,000 men over 10 years found that the men who said they were poorly managed at work were 20%-40% more likely to have a heart attack.

Yeah, everyday we will figure the way to cheat boss that we're sick, but we would not do it because the tasks have deadlines that we need to meet.

2) Your team's working overtime, but still missing deadlines.

New bosses are particularly prone to giving unmanageable deadlines to employees, says Gini Graham Scott, author of "A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses."

You face this when you're in audit field, The deadlines will always be difficult to meet and the job requires you to work more than 9 hours per day. Am I wrong?

3) You rarely talk to your employees face-to-face.

Relying on email may be convenient, but bosses are increasingly using technology to avoid having tough discussions, says Robert Sutton, professor at Stanford University and author of "Good Boss, Bad Boss."

4) Everyday your employees think of tender.

This is my point of view. You will constantly searching for better job offer and thinking when should you resign.

Thanks to Yahoo!

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