ACCA Paper P6
Advanced Taxation Core Areas & Relevant Questions
The areas that we would expect to see most regularly in the exam are:
1. Termination payments and share incentive schemes (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 6 and 37)
2. Overseas aspects of income tax (see August 2007 Study Text question 11)
3. Inheritance tax involving lifetime gifts and death estate (see August 2007 Study Text question 18 and 38)
4. Capital gains tax (see August 2007 Study Text questions 13,14,16,19)
5. Groups for corporation tax (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 28)
6. Overseas aspects of corporation tax (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 29)
7. Close companies (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 27)
8. Reorganisations and liquidations
9. VAT particularly imports and exports, partial exemption, VAT groups, special schemes (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 31, 32)
10. Standard tax planning measures (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 33)
ACCA Paper P7
Advanced Audit and Assurance
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
After two broadly similar sittings of this paper, candidates can expect more of the same in December for Paper P7, and should remember the key context of this paper - that you are being asked to consider things from the perspective of a senior manager or partner in a
professional firm. However, from December 2008 onwards, the examiner has stated that accounting and reporting issues from the P2 Corporate Reporting syllabus could now be examined, so it remains to be seen how significant this will be. Overall though, candidates
sitting Paper P7 must still consider the following:
*Applying topics seen before in a more commercial context (planning & risk assessments, audit procedures, reporting, quality control and ethical issues for example) without forgetting the need for common sense in such cases
*The introduction of new topics such as group audits, quality control, forensic accounting and practice management
*The need to write clear concise reports that address the needs of the professional assurance provider and their clients in a practical way.
The examiner has stated that there will be a very broad syllabus to pick from. Therefore, it is vital to reinforce the message that question spotting is a waste of time - a broad approach to covering the syllabus is required, with plenty of question practice under exam conditions.
In addition to the points addressed above, the syllabus also includes the following topics that may be due an outing this sitting:
**Legal and regulatory issues affecting assurance providers, especially in the context of
firms’ professional liability and the new UK Companies Act 2006
**Specific procedures for obtaining evidence and evaluating the quality of audit work
carried out, in the context of topics such as fraud and error
**Current firm level issues like transnational audits, advertising and tendering
**The use of the various types of audit report available to practitioners
**The requirements of other forms of assurance engagement, such as Value for Money
(VfM) studies or agreed upon procedures
**Engagements covering forensic accounting (see article below) or social &
environmental auditing
**The correct treatment of accounting issues such as construction contracts, share
based payments, revenue recognition or financial instruments.
Useful Articles
If you want to read around the subject or improve your understanding there are a number of
good resources on the ACCA website:
Title: Examiners approach to paper P7
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 30 January 2007
Title: How to tackle audit and assurance case study questions (in two parts)
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 1 August 2007 (part one)
14 September 2007 (part two)
Title: Continue to be ‘Rest Assured’
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 15 October 2007
Title: Group audit issues
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 10 March 2008
Title: Audit reports to those charged with governance
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 10 April 2008
Title: Forensic auditing
Author: Lisa Weaver (the examiner)
Date: 11 September 2008
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EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BEING AUDITOR, TAX AGENT, CONSULTANT, and ACCOUNTANT is at "TARC ACCA". We compile ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) Exam tips, AAT Exam tips and CAT Exam tips, and present it to you! You'll find guides to be better in your career.
BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (Optional Papers)
BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (Optional Papers)
ACCA Paper P4
Advanced Financial Management
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
The purpose of this analysis is to highlight areas that we would expect to be tested based on the December 2007 and June 2008 exams. This will only be the third exam written by the new examiner, Bob Ryan, so it is extremely difficult to predict which areas of the syllabus are most likely to be tested.
No one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner; your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
Role and responsibility towards stakeholders:
All exams to date have contained optional questions involving ethics; this is expected to continue, note that environmental issues could be an aspect of this question.
Advanced investment appraisal:
Overseas investment appraisal is due to be tested – this also gives the examiner the opportunity to test how political, economic and translation risk could be managed. This type of question could also ask you to give examples of trade barriers and the role of the world trade organisation in promoting free trade.
Real options are a popular source of exam questions, note that either call or put options are examinable in this context.
Acquisitions and mergers:
Issues could include valuation techniques, financing a takeover, and discussion of the UK/US shareholder based approach to corporate governance compared to the European stakeholder approach
Corporate reorganisation & reconstruction:
The ability to analyse a proposed financial reconstruction is an important topic in this syllabus area. A question could also ask you to analyse the options for a struggling business in terms of possible unbundling strategies, ethical issues could also be tested in this context.
Treasury & advanced risk management:
Either foreign currency hedging or interest rate hedging - given the emphasis on international aspects to financial management in this syllabus, a question on foreign currency hedging is more likely. Questions could also include discussion of the role of treasury and a framework for managing risk. Derivatives are due to be examined with numbers. The examiners recent article focuses on how interest rates are set by lenders to reflect credit risk; this is expected to form a part of an exam question.
Useful Articles:
If you want to read around the subject or improve your understanding there are a number of articles on the ACCA website. The most useful recent article to review is:
Title: How lenders set their rates
Author: Bob Ryan (the examiner)
Date: August 2008
Summary: credit risk and the normal distribution, how these affect lending rates
Look out for articles published by the P4 examiner in the lead up to the exam; an article came up shortly before the December 2007 exam and the June 2008 exam, both were examined.
ACCA Paper P5
Advanced Performance Management
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
This exam and examiner are not predictable. Just because a topic featured in the last exam doesn’t mean it won’t feature this time. The examiner has already tested some syllabus areas more than once (and at consecutive sittings), whilst other topics remain unexamined. Use the following tips as important areas to cover, but remember that no one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam. Also remember that much of the paper (up to 70%) is compulsory, and your choice is limited even in the optional section.
The following is a guide to areas that you should include as part of your revision:
Section A:
Scope of strategic performance measures in the private sector Financial data has appeared repeatedly in the previous syllabus exams and on all the real exams to date, so it would be surprising if it were not included here. You may be asked to draw up an income statement or budget or to compare actual performance against a benchmark. This can also include the use of activity-based approaches, learning curves or optimal pricing.
Once the financial data has been collated and compared, questions usually include the need to comment on these and may require discussion of non-financial indicators, additional information to improve assessment or strategies to improve performance.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q31 Quicklink, Q32 GWCC, Q33 SEC.
Divisional performance and transfer pricing issues
It is notable when transfer pricing is absent from the exam but it has not yet been tested in a complete question. Given that the P5 syllabus covers world economics and fiscal policy, it may be tested in an international context.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q36 Business Solutions, Q37 NAW Group, Q40 CD (a).
Either of the two questions in Section A could be set in the context of a risky decision. This could link to suggestions of strategies to reduce risk or could encompass numerical evaluation of the risk involved and the likelihood of this being acceptable to management using probabilities, risk appetite or sensitivity analysis
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q40 CD (b), Mock exam 2 Q1, Mock exam 3 Q3.
Section B:
At least one question in this section will be entirely discursive. It could well cover:
Current developments in management accounting
Many of the modern management and management accounting techniques have been examined here with both JIT and TQM common topics in the previous syllabus. Knowledge of these was used to discuss the impact they would have on information systems or performance measures.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q11 Costs and quality, Q13 Management Accounting Relevance,
Q31 (d) Quicklink.
Management accounting and information systems
An essay question on sources of information, relevance of operational management accounting information in today’s business environment or types of management information system is a likely choice at this sitting as it was a typical question in the previous syllabus.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Mock exam 1 Q2.
Questions that may contain some numerical information might cover:
Alternative views of performance measurement
The examiner often includes a question where an organisation has to be evaluated against an established theoretical model. The balanced scorecard and performance pyramid have appeared in previous exams.
Theoretical models to assess performance and strategy
Linking strategic decisions to mission statements or suggesting strategic options using models such as Ansoff’s matrix or the BCG matrix lend themselves to questions containing a mixture of financial and discursive elements
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q9 Better Budgeting, Q35 Specialist Car Company, Q48 Eatwell Restaurant, Q51 GER, Q53 Bettaserve, Mock exam 1 Q4, Mock exam 2 Q2, Mock exam 2 Q3.
Useful Articles:
If you want to read around the subject or improve your understanding, there are a number of articles on the ACCA website. Shane Johnson (your examiner) has promised to write articles on the new elements of the syllabus, prior to examining them, so more articles may appear between now and the date of the exam.
Keep checking the website between now and the exam as any articles that appear are likely tips for December.
There has, to date, been one article since the last exam, written by Michael Pogue, the P5 assessor, covering business failure. We suggest that you read this by following the link below:
The following articles are particularly relevant to the P5 syllabus, given the tips above. Some of these were written to support the previous ACCA paper, paper 3.3, which was also written by the P5 examiner. Many others are available on the ACCA website.
‘Economic Value Added’ by Shane Johnson and Matt Bamber outlines the advantages of an
economic value added approach to performance measurement.
‘Defining managers’ information requirements’ by Jim Stone describes the use of critical success factors.
‘Management control - a pre-requisite for survival’ by Shane Johnson explains why increasing recognition is given to satisfying the needs of different stakeholders.
‘Performance measures to support competitive advantage’ by Graham Morgan uses the success of airlines such as EasyJet and Ryanair to examine how the balanced scorecard might be utilised to maintain the low-cost carriers' competitive edge.
‘The pyramids and pitfalls of performance measurement’ by Shane Johnson, outlines the issues which are central to the understanding and assessment of performance measurement.
‘Business strategy and performance models’ by Shane Johnson provides a brief overview of three models to assist accountants in the determination of business strategy and in the appraisal of business performance.
‘Examiner's approach to Paper P5’ by Shane Johnson, provides his approach to the Advanced Performance Management exam.
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BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (P3)
ACCA Paper P3
Business Analysis
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
This exam consists of a limited choice in section B (two questions from 3) and a compulsory
section A question comprising 50 marks. Many questions lend themselves to be answered
using a range of models and ideas. Consequently it is dangerous to limit your study. Broad
syllabus coverage is important for success in this exam.
Certain key themes do however arise form the syllabus and examiners comments. Section A
is squarely located in the strategic elements of the syllabus (A to C) therefore the stages of position, choice and action will be the focus of this part of your exam.
Another favoured theme is that of software solutions to modern business processes including
supply chain management, e-marketing and enterprise systems.
Finally, people and finance are underlying themes of the paper and so the people and
financial aspects of the scenario may be sources of some marks in questions even if they are not specifically asked for.
Use the following tips as important areas to cover but remember that no one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
Strategic analysis
Key models of analysis include mission and objectives, stakeholder analysis, PESTEL, Porters five forces and diamond models, the value chain, Ms and portfolio analysis. This may culminate in a SWOT and appraisal of the organisations overall position.
Strategic choice
The syllabus makes a distinction between the approach and role taken by the corporate parent and a Strategic Business Unit (SBU). You should therefore ensure that you are aware of the differences and be able to identify the appropriate approach from the scenario in the question.
Key models here include Porter’s Generic strategies, Bowman’s Strategy Clock, Ansoff's matrix and Lynch’s expansion matrix.
Finally the strategic criteria for assessing options of Suitability, Acceptability and Feasibility may be employed to justify recommendations.
Strategic action
Implementation issues cover much of the rest of the syllabus and could include issues of culture (eg Cultural web, Handy’s cultures, Miles and Snow), quality (TQM, six sigma, CMMI, V-model), process improvement and software selection (Harman, Skidmore and Eva), ebusiness or people management (eg planning, recruitment, performance management, development) or change management (Force Field analysis).
Useful Articles:
The examiner, Steve Skidmore, was examiner for the old syllabus paper 2.1 Information
The following articles are of relevance to the P3 exam approach:
1. Strategy challenge - the internet
Feb 2007
Examiner for Paper 3.5 Ralph Bedrock reviews the implications of the internet on
today's strategy makers and considers the impact of the internet on small businesses
2. Examiner's approach to Paper P3
Student Accountant January 2007
Examiner's approach to Paper P3
3. Strategic planning
February 2008
An article by one of the P3 markers showing the role of strategic planning.
4. How to approach the P3 exam
September 2007
An article by the P3 examiner outlining how to approach the P3 exam.
5. Strategic Planning
February 2008
An article by David Jennings, an official P3 marker for ACCA
6. Business Process Change
September 2008
An article by BPP P3 author Adrian Thomas.
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BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (P2)
ACCA Paper P2 (Global)
Corporate Reporting
December 2008 Exam Tips
The outline below has been based on the content of recent exams, articles and comments by
the examiner, Graham Holt and the content of the old syllabus paper 3.6, which was written
by the same examiner. Remember, though, that no one other than the examiner himself
knows the content of the upcoming paper.
It has always been Graham Holt’s style to cover a wide range of syllabus areas in each paper, and each question will also cover a range of topics. You should not try to question spot, but rather to revise the syllabus widely. The recommended questions below should help you achieve this.
Section A
This will be a 50 mark compulsory case study including group accounting topics such as
statements of cash flows, complex group structures, continuing and discontinued activities or
group disposals. This will include other accounting complications such as financial
instruments, pensions, share-based payment and impairments. There will also be discursive
requirements on social and ethical aspects of corporate reporting.
2008 P&R kit practice questions: D7 Largo, Mock exam 2 Q1 Lateral, D12 Ejoy, D17 Memo
D23 Zambeze, Mock 3 Q1 Beth
Section B
Section B questions can either be a single question on one topic or questions that cover a
range of standards.
Possibilities for examination include:
*'Mixed' questions where a range of standards are covered in separate unrelated parts
of the question, such as related parties, pensions (NB: read examiner’s recent article),
changes in accounting policies, recognition and/or impairment of tangible and
intangible assets, foreign currency transactions, leases, revenue recognition,
consistency of standards with the conceptual framework, changes in accounting
policies, the effect of accounting treatments on earnings per share or ratios and
deferred tax implications
*'Events' questions such as shutdown of an operation, switch to IFRS, natural or deliberate disaster, bringing in areas such as: impairments, provisions, events after the reporting period (balance sheet date), non-current assets held for sale, discontinued operations, pension scheme curtailment effects, government grants etc
*'Specialised industry' questions, where a range of standards are also tested, but in the context of a specific industry (NB: no specific knowledge of the particular industry is
*Single topic questions in more detail (theoretical aspects followed up with calculations such as share-based payment, financial instruments (see examiner's articles below) or deferred tax or topical areas/standards causing problems such as leases
*One of these questions can also include elements of group accounting, especially if question 1 is a statement of cash flows question 2008 P&R kit practice questions: B1 Prochain, B5 Savage, B7 Panel, B8 Kesare, B10 Ambush, B12 Vident, B14 Ryder, B16 Electron, B17 Egin, C5 Enterprise, E1 Handrew, Mock exam 1 Q3 Gear Software, Mock exam 2 Q2 Barking
*Performance and valuation measures, how they are changing and how they are affected by accounting policies often appear in the exam.
*A discussion question looking at current developments in corporate reporting, often with a scenario. Topics that could appear here include: success/issues on implementation of IFRS, simplifying financial instrument accounting, treatment of gains and losses on pension schemes, small and medium-sized entities, management commentary, comprehensive income/presentation of financial statements, improvements in performance measurement, proposals relating to fair values.
*2008 P&R kit practice questions: D13 Base group part (c), E4 Implementation challenges, E3 Fair values, F1 IFRS & SMEs, Mock exam 2 Q1 Lateral part (d), Mock exam 3 (pilot paper) Q3
Relevant articles
Useful articles –
Examiner's Approach, P2, online vodcast
Graham Holt (Examiner), July 2008
Examiner's Approach Graham Holt (examiner), February 2007
IAS 1, Presentation of financial statements (relevant to International stream only) Ellie Griffiths, January 2008
IAS 19, Employee Benefits, Graham Holt (examiner), January 2007
Link: (article specifically looks at IFRS treatments, but useful for UK students re recognition of actuarial gains and losses debate)
Accounting standards for SMEs
Steven Goh and Graham Holt (examiner), 10 April 2006
IAS 39 (Accounting & Business magazine)
Graham Holt (examiner), 22 September 2006
IAS 39 Part 2 (Accounting & Business magazine)
Graham Holt (examiner), 27 October 2006
Dealing with debtors, Graham Holt (examiner), 14 October 2005
Look out for other articles on the website in the months leading up to the exam.
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BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (P1)
ACCA Paper P1
Professional Accountant
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
The following tips suggest important areas to cover. However please remember that no one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good
syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
The following is a guide to areas that you should include as part of your revision:
Section A:
Application of corporate governance principles:
The examiner has consistently included at least one question on one of the fundamental principles of Corporate Governance on all his published exams. Themes of accountability and transparency seem to be emerging a favourite topics. Questions are likely to require the application of corporate governance to address organisational control deficiencies described in the scenario. So far the examiner’s approach to Corporate Governance has covered some aspect of the management of stakeholder relationships. Students should familiarise themselves with both the examiner’s articles on stakeholders.
Identification and assessment of all aspects of business risk:
The use of a methodical approach to identify, categorise and assess the array of risks facing an organisation will be a common feature of scenario questions. From this position the examiner can than then ask candidates to propose and recommend remedies.
Internal control mechanisms and their review:
Internal management control systems are a key feature of any successful organisation. Indeed corporate governance mechanism could in themselves be viewed as of the internal control framework. The questions are likely to either identify deficiencies in internal controls or ask students to suggest enhanced controls to manage risks identified.
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management:
The need to act appropriately in terms of social and environmental responsibilities is key feature of the modern business world, and could be an element of a scenario question. Since this is the ethical stance that an organisation takes, it allows for many theories and frameworks to be incorporated into answers.
Section B:
Although likely to be based on small scenarios, Section B questions are likely to test specific areas of the syllabus in more detail.
Corporate Governance:
This could require detailed discussion of aspects of the Combined Code or Sarbanes Oxley, or even a comparison between the two. Specific areas relating to the role of non-executive directors, remuneration and disclosure requirements could also be tested, which requires the recollection of detailed syllabus knowledge to secure a good mark.
Internal control (inc. internal audit):
Approaches to enterprise risk management together with embedded /cultural risk awareness would appear to be prime topic worthy of revision.
Professional values and ethics:
The examiner wrote an article on ethical conflict resolution earlier in the year, so he clearly regards it as an important area. It has not yet been examined so students would be wise to read his article and familiarise themselves with the American Accounting Association model and Tucker’s five questions. As well as being able to apply the models it would be a good idea to have thought about the benefits of each to the decision making process.
Useful Articles:
If you want to read around the subject or improve your understanding there are a number of
articles on the ACCA website.
Strategic and operational risks by Nick Weller addresses risks in terms of their impact and
Rules, principals and Sarbanes-Oxley By David Campbell (P1 examiner) introduces some of the main themes in relation to the control of corporate governance and how it varies between countries.
Ethical decision making by David Campbell (P1 examiner) looks at the American Accounting Association model and Tucker’s 5 questions.
All about stakeholders – Part 1 by David Campbell (P1 examiner) looks at the
categorisation of stakeholders.
All about stakeholders – Part 2 by David Campbell (P1 examiner) looks at stakeholders
attitude and in particular goes into some detail about Gray, Owen and Adams 7 stances
(Pristine Capitalist – Deep Ecologist)
‘Examiner's approach to Paper P1, Professional Accountant’ by David Campbell,
examiner for Paper P1 offers his approach to the Professional Accountant paper.
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F7 and F9 ACCA December 08 Tips - FTMS
All these tips are merely intelligent guesses thus it is not 100% accurate. Please use at your own risk.
F7 MYS Variant
Q1 a) Consolidation question
b) For this 5 marks question, use this past year question as a guidance to understand..
Dec 01, June 02, June 03, June 04, June 05, June 06, Pilot paper can get from Text books
Q2 Preparation of Balance Sheet/Income Statement
Study FRS 116
Q3 Conceptual Framework
Q4 Ratio/.Cash Flow, either one or maybe both
Q5 Theory question..
Maybe will come out from construction contract..
[Check this BLOG for more updates on ACCA Tips]
Q1 - NPV, IRR, Sensitivity analysis, WACC (gearing, ungearing)
Q2 - lease vs buy, asset replacement
Q3 - account receivables management(factoring), over-trading, cash budget, risk management(advantages & disadvantages of over the counter & traded contract)
Q4 - Valuation(P/E, dividend), rights issue, ratio
[Check this BLOG for more updates on ACCA Tips]
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BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips (F7, F8 and F9)
ACCA Paper F7 (Global)
Financial Reporting
December 2008 Exam Tips
This exam consists entirely of compulsory questions; this makes question spotting particularly dangerous. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight areas the major syllabus areas that we would expect to be regularly tested based on recent papers, comments made by the examiner, and the sittings of the old syllabus 2.5 paper which was also examined by the same examiner Steve Scott.
Use the following tips as important areas to cover but remember that no one knows what is in
the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in
your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
For each area described, please note the reference to useful questions from BPP’s Practice and Revision kit (P&R kit) (2008 edition) for the International Stream or UK Stream. We recommend you practise them all to get broad syllabus coverage.
All questions in the paper are compulsory
Question 1 (25 marks)
Section A will comprise one compulsory question that will examine group accounting. Group accounting is a core area and this question could ask you to produce a consolidated statement of comprehensive income/income statement (profit & loss account) and/or consolidated statement of financial position (balance sheet) with one subsidiary and an associate.
The question will include adjustments for items such as: fair values, unrealised profit on inventories (stock) or tangible assets, cancellation of intragroup trading, goods/cash in transit,
pre-acquisition dividends.
Part (b) of the question will sometimes include a related discussion element, e.g. reasons for adjusting for unrealised profit or other group topic.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q44 Pumice, Q41 Hapsburg (SOFP (B/S) with associate), Q40 Holdrite (I/S (P&L) with associate), Q36 Hydrate (I/S (P&L) and SOFP (B/S)), Q30 Highveldt (group extracts).
Question 2 (25 marks)
Question 2 will be preparation/restatement of a statement of comprehensive income (profit & loss account) and/or statement of financial position (balance sheet). This question will normally require adjustments for current and deferred tax and depreciation.
Other adjustments may relate to inventory (stock) valuation, leases, construction contracts, substance over form issues, financial instruments (amortised cost), leases, construction contracts, substance over form issues, financial instruments (amortised cost), revaluations,
share issues or government grants. There may be further disclosure requirements such as an EPS calculation or movement in share capital and reserves.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q10 Kala, Q6 Harrington, Q7 Petra, Q26 Tourmalet (also includes discontinued operation)
Question 3 (25 marks)
Question 3 is likely to examine interpretation and/or statements of cash flows. There could also be a discursive part on why, for example, profits are not the same as cash flows, or how to analyse the financial statements of a not-for-profit organisation.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q71 Reactive (interps and not for profit), Q81 Tabba (SOCF), Q74 Comparator (interps), Q79 Bigwood (SOCF and interps).
Question 4 (25 marks)
Question 4 will often be a written question examining theoretical/conceptual areas or accounting standards. This could be on provisions, inflation, government grants, accounting policies or substance over form issues with reference to the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (Statement of Principles).
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q3 Porto (conceptual framework), Q51 Bodyline (provisions), Q59 Angelino (substance), Q84 Update (inflation). For other topics, see Question 5.
Question 5 (10 marks)
Question 5 has no specified format or content and will cover other areas of the syllabus. The examiner may follow a 'mixed bag' question approach, examining two or three different accounting standards.
Possibilities this sitting include: tangible/intangible assets, impairment, deferred tax, governments grants, financial instruments, substance over form issues, construction/longterm contracts or earnings per share.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q50 Beetie (construction/long-term contracts), Q13 Broadoak, (tangibles), Q19 Dexterity (intangibles), Q21 Wilderness (impairments), Q62 Bowtock I (leases) Q65 Bowtock II (deferred tax), Q2 Derringdo I (revenue and grants), Mock 1 Q2 Tintagel (accounts preparation & financial instruments), Q67 Savoir (EPS).
Relevant Articles (
Business Combinations
Steve Scott (Examiner), August 2008
Examiner's Approach, F7 online vodcast
Steve Scott (Examiner), July 2008
Examiner's Approach
Steve Scott (Examiner), February 2007
Consolidations, Problems areas in group accounts
Steve Scott (Examiner), 30 May 2006
How to approach performance appraisal questions
Steve Scott (Examiner), 28 April 2004
Look out for other articles on the website in the months leading up to the exam.
ACCA Paper F8 - Audit and Assurance (International and United Kingdom)
Core Areas & Relevant Questions
The examiner has indicated the general format of the paper but remember that each question is likely to include several requirements and will range over a number of syllabus areas:
Question 1 – a 30-mark scenario based on a particular area of the financial statements, such as revenue/receivables or purchases/payables. Some of the requirements are likely to be based on how the area would be audited. This could include requirements relating to tests of controls and/or substantive procedures. These questions could also include the identification of control weakness and issues relating to internal audit. (Study Text Q11 Knits, Q13 Fenton Distributors, Q14 Cheque Payments and Petty Cash, Q20 Understatement)
Question 2 – a 10-mark question broken down into two or three factual requirements. This is likely to test your knowledge of the key principles of the ISAs. Any area of the syllabus could appear here. (Study Text Q9 Audit planning and Documentation, Q10 Audit Evidence, Q25 Audit Review and Finalisation)
Question 3 – a 20-mark question that is likely to include risk and audit approach. (Study Text Q22 Boston Manufacturing, Q23 Tap)
Question 4 – a 20 mark question that is likely to feature a more specialised audit area (Study Text Q3 Corporate Governance, Q5 Objectivity, Q7 Role of Internal Audit, Q8 Glo, Q15 Using the Work of an Expert)
Question 5 – a 20 mark question that is likely to include topics relating to collection of audit evidence at the end of the audit, audit closedown or reporting (Study Text Q19 Sitting Pretty, Q24 Going Concern, Q26 Wiseguys National Bakeries, Q27 Builders Merchants)
ACCA Paper F9
Financial Management
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
The exam is 100% compulsory which means that it is dangerous to rely on question spotting.
The purpose of this analysis is to highlight areas that we would expect to be tested based on the December 2007 and June 2008 exams. Remember that no one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
Financial management function:
The examiner has not yet tested the objectives of a business; this could involve calculation of key ratios such as return on capital employed, gearing, return on equity, earnings per share, dividend per share and total shareholder return. Ratios can also be used to assess the impact of different sources of finance e.g. operational and financial gearing and interest coverage.
Financial management environment:
The examiner has not yet tested this area of the syllabus, and given the dramatic changes in the economy at the moment your understanding of the economic environment and its impact on financial management decisions is a topical area that could be tested as part of a question.
Working capital management:
This is a core syllabus area and has featured heavily in all exams to date. Areas that are due to be tested include: JIT, management of payables, preparing cash flow forecasts and working capital financing strategies. The sales revenue/ net working capital ratio has been specifically mentioned and can be used to forecast finance needs.
Investment appraisal:
This is also a core syllabus area, NPV has featured heavily in all exams to date and this is likely to continue, but discounted cash flows can also be applied to asset replacement, capital rationing and a financial assessment of leasing - these have not yet been tested. Analysis of risk using probabilities and sensitivity analysis and non discounted cash flow techniques such as ARR and payback / adjusted payback are also due to be examined.
Cost of capital:
Your examiner has published 3 articles in 2008 on the use of the capital asset pricing model to create a project specific cost of capital, this area is likely to be examined.
Risk management:
This area has not been tested to date in a real exam sitting but did feature in the pilot paper as a 25 mark question. Types of foreign exchange risk and the use of currency risk management techniques such as forwards and money market hedging. Other topics that are likely to be tested here include interest rate parity theory, purchasing power parity theory and the purpose of currency futures and options (without numbers).
Useful Articles:
- on the ACCA website:
Author: Anthony Head (the examiner)
Date: January, April and July 2008
Summary: the CAPM and how it can be used to estimate a project specific cost of capital.
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BPP ACCA December 08 Exam Tips F4, F5 and F6
ACCA Paper F4
Corporate and Business Law
December 2008 Exam Tips and Useful Articles
This exam consists entirely of compulsory questions; this makes question spotting particularly dangerous. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight the major syllabus areas that we would expect to be regularly tested, based on the Dec 2007, pilot paper and the sittings of the old syllabus 2.2 paper which was also examined by your examiner David Kelly Use the following tips as important areas to cover but remember that no one knows what is in the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
English Legal System:
This will always feature as the first question in the exam; the most examinable areas being Court Structures, Legal Precedent and the Interpretation of Statute.
The Law of Obligations:
At least two questions will be drawn from this wide ranging area – so expect an application as well as a knowledge style question. The basics of contract covering offer, acceptance, consideration and intention have been a frequent source of questions as well as remedies and breach of contract.
The law of tort is most likely to be examined in conjunction with auditors and accountants. Ensure you are familiar with the Caparo and Hedley Byrne cases as well as the new rules on limitation of auditors’ liability.
Agency and Partnerships
Most examinable in these areas are the rights and duties of agents and partners as well as the distinction between simple and limited liability partnerships.
Company Law
Given it sheer size in the syllabus at least 2 maybe 3 questions will be drawn from this area. Company formation and legal personality are core areas, along with the duties of directors and the rules governing meetings and resolutions. Questions may be of knowledge of application type. Ensure you have read the examiners article on the Companies Act 2006 – the links are given below.
Capital maintenance and Finance
Capital maintenance is highly unlikely to be tested frequently, however it is expected that either share or loan capital (including fixed and floating charges) will be tested at every sitting.
Employment Law
The examiner has stated that he would like to test this at every sitting; however it may occasionally be omitted due to the breadth of the syllabus. Likely areas to be examined are the distinction between employees and self-employed (including how their status is determined), and types of dismissal (wrongful, unfair and redundancy) including the remedies that may be awarded. Questions may be of knowledge or application type.
Ethics and Corporate Governance
Another new area for ACCA law the pilot paper question seems a likely template for questions in this area, focusing on the impact of Corporate Governance on listed companies in the UK and the role of Non-Executive Directors.
Likely to be tested every second or third sitting. The examiner has traditionally tested the distinction between compulsory and voluntary liquidation or; the differences between members’ and creditors’ voluntary liquidations.
Fraudulent Behaviour
It is likely there will always be a question in this area, and these could be of the application variety as well as knowledge questions. Alternate sittings are likely to test Money Laundering, Insider Dealing and Wrongful/Fraudulent Trading. In December 2008 Money Laundering is most likely.
Questions to expect in December 2008
• Professional negligence incorporating auditors capping their liability
• Termination of offers
• Employed v self employed workers
• Company formation
• Directors’ statutory duties
• Types of resolutions, focus on written resolutions in private companies
• Money laundering OR insider dealing
Useful Articles
Examiner's approach to F4
Companies Act part 1
Companies Act part 2
Useful Articles:
If you want to read around the subject or improve your understanding there are a number of
articles on the ACCA website. Scott Goddard (the examiner) has not written anything recently
although the following articles are still relevant to the syllabus.
Title: Examiners approach to paper F9
Author: Anthony Head (the examiner)
Date: 27 Feb 2007
Summary: the examiner outlines the structure of the F9 paper
ACCA Paper F5
Performance Management
December 2008 Exam Tips
This exam consists entirely of compulsory questions; this makes question spotting particularly
dangerous. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight key areas that we would expect to be
regularly tested
Use the following tips as important areas to cover but remember that no one knows what is in
the exam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in
your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
Specialist Cost and Management Accounting Techniques:
Activity Based Costing & Target Costing have featured to date. Calculations may feature
regularly on areas such as ABC. Throughput accounting questions have not yet been
examined. Be prepared to discuss techniques such as target and lifecycle costing.
Remember the questions are likely to have a 50:50 split between discussion and calculations.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q4, Q5, Q6, Q8, Q9
Decision making techniques:
Relevant costing with further processing featured in the first sitting of this paper, with linear
programming in the second. Most likely this time round is probably pricing and risk and
uncertainty, however, do not neglect areas such as relevant costing as this is a very important
topic that could easily be examined again soon.
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q11, Q12, Q13,Q16, Q17, Q18
Learning curves featured on the pilot paper.
Discussion marks are likely to feature heavily here. Perhaps looking at the appropriateness of
budgeting types eg incremental vs ZBB.
Numbers elements in a budgeting question could include flexed budgets or time series
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q19, Q20, Q22, Q24, Q33
Standard costing & variance analysis:
Mix and yield variances were on the pilot paper, planning and operating variances in
December. In June you were asked to prepare an operating statement which included
budgeted idle time. Be prepared to discuss performance and whether the variances are an
indicative measure of good / bad performance. Other potential discussion areas could be
along the lines of interpretation or when to investigate variances.
2007 P&R Kit Questions: Q28, Q30, Q32, Q34, Q35
Performance Measurement and Control:
Questions here could frequently focus on interpretation of performance and a discussion of
financial vs non financial measures. These have featured on all papers to date. Questions
could also focus on performance evaluation in the public sector so perhaps featuring
calculations using the 3 Es. Alternatively they could focus on divisional performance
measures such as ROI / RI and a discussion of the impact on performance of various transfer
2008 P&R Kit Questions: Q38, Q39, Q41, Q42, Q45
Useful Articles:
Title: Analyse This
Author: Geoff Cordwell
Date: April 08
Brief Summary: How to interpret financial data (based on poor performance of
candidates in Dec 07 exam)
Title: Decision Time
Author: Geoff Cordwell
Date: March 08
Brief Summary: The article contains an example of a linear programming problem.
Title: Performance Management
Author: Geoff Cordwell
Date: Jan 07
Brief Summary: The article contains an overview of Geoff’s approach to F5, the pilot
paper and some of his views on the accountant’s role.
ACCA Paper F6 - Taxation
Core Areas & Relevant Questions
The areas that we would expect to see most regularly in the exam are:
Question 1
1. Income from employment, in particular assessable income, allowable deductions and benefits (a typical question from the August 2007 BPP Study Text is question 5)
2. Income from self-employment, in particular basis of assessment, allowable expenditure, assessable profits on commencement and cessation, capital allowances and relief for trading losses (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 9,10,11)
3. Property and investment income, in particular property business profits, savings income and dividend income (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 8)
4. The computation of taxable income and the income tax liability (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 3)
5. The self-assessment system
6. The time limits for the submission of information, claims and payment of tax (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 26)
Question 2
1. Computing profits chargeable to corporation tax, in particular allowable expenditure, capital allowances, property business profits and relief for trading losses (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 33)
2. Computation of corporation tax liability (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 31)
3. Groups and overseas aspects of corporation tax (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 34 and 36)
If VAT is included within Question 1 or 2 or on its own the following are the most regularly examined areas:
1. Circumstances in which a person must register for VAT (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 38)
2. The computation of VAT liabilities, in particular the tax point, the valuation of supplies, non deductible input VAT, the relief for impairment losses on trade debts (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 39 and 40)
3.Cash accounting, annual accounting and flat rate schemes
Question 3
1. Computation of capital gains for an individual or company
2. Part disposals
3. Chattels (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 21)
4. Principal private residence relief (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 22)
5. Share identification rules for individuals and companies (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 25)
6. Computation of capital gains tax payable for individuals in particular computing taper relief (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 20)
7. Rollover and holdover reliefs (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 23)
Other areas that we would expect to see in questions 4 and 5 are:
1. Partnerships (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 16 and 17)
2. Trading losses for individuals and companies (see August 2007 BPP Study Text question 15)
3. Commencement and cessation rules for self employed individuals (see August 2007 BPP Study Text questions 12)
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haha..have a look thanks
HIHI..^^ everybody..all my frenz...I know that now u all must be suffer for acca external examination ..same for me too..if u were here or pass by here..pls hv a look for tis funny article that I bring to you all..hopefully can make u all laugh a while .reduce stress and continue your "journey to the ACCA" la..^^
Dear staff,
Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown of economy in the USA since last X'mas, Management has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 40 years of age on early retirement.
This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early). Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to management to be eligible for the SHAFT scheme (Special Help After Forced Termination) . Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW scheme (Scheme Covering Retired Early Workers). A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as Management deems appropriate.
Persons who have been RAPED can only get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants or Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance). Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by management.
Persons staying on will receive as much SHIT (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. Management has always prided itself on the amount of SHIT it gives employees. Should you feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring to the attention of your Supervisor. They have been trained to give you all the SHIT you can handle.
The Management, US work force
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FTC Exam Tips for December 2008 ( P3 )
ACCA Exam Tips for December 2008
According to FTC Kaplan following are the topics that are expected to appear in P3 Business Analysis for December 2008 attempt.
WARNING: The examiners deliberately try to avoid question spotting. Use the tips as areas to have a good look at, but remember that no-one knows what’s in the exam except the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.
The areas that we would expect to see most regularly in the exam are:
Analysis-type question – PESTEL or on risks.
Product choice use of BCG.
SWOT, Ansoff and change management.
Opportunities and problems of different growth strategies, eg acquisition and organic growth.
CSF and PI – relate to a scenario.
Ethics – business benefits of being socially responsible (short question).
Quality – six sigma linked in with the CMMI model (possibly technical).
Project management – stages of the project with stakeholder mapping of project members. Supply chain management.
IT – general question relating to the benefits of e-commerce. Also use of the internet and development of a niche strategy
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Kaplan ACCA Exam Tips - December 2008 is HERE!!
WARNING! Please bare in mind that these tips are just merely guesses not 100% accurate so use it at your own discretion.
Manage the risk well =)
I found this ACCA tips (December 2008) from Kaplan.
*English legal system – delegated legislation/interpretation of statutes.
*Obligations – formation and terms of a contract. Duty of care in tort or professional negligence.
*Employment – dismissal.
*Company law: incorporation procedure or articles; maintenance of capital; termination of directors office and directors powers; types of meetings and resolutions; and fraudulent behaviour – money laundering.
*Learning curve.
*Performance appraisal.
*Transfer pricing.
*Risk and uncertainty.
*Throughput accounting.
*Variances, including mix and yield.
*Income tax – sole trader with adjustment to profit.
*Corporation tax – 12-month period straddling two financial years, possibly with a loss.
*Benefits in kind.
*Company tax losses.
*CGT – shares and relief.
*Consolidated statement of comprehensive income and consolidated statement of financial position for a parent and a subsidiary company.
*Published accounts from a trial balance and notes.
*Ratio analysis and interpretation of accounts.
*Constructive contracts/IASB framework.
*Planning – risk assessment (two big questions in June and December 2005, only 10 marks since then).
*Controls Q1 purchases or payroll (sales last time).
*Substantive testing Q1 – stock (only a few marks recently, high risk, compliance and sub tests), creditors.
*Ethics – conflict of interest/ confidentiality.
*Review – overall review, checklist (probably not g/c!).
*Reports – scenario question, what sort and why (types tested last time).
*Internal audit – question tested last two sittings so less likely this time.
[Check this BLOG for more updates on ACCA Tips]
*Investment appraisal.
*Sources of long-term finance.
*Re-gearing and de-gearing betas.
*Working capital management.
*International risk management.
*Transaction cost theory.
*Performance appraisal.
*Shareholder dialogue.
*Audit committee.
*Ethics theory.
*Internal audit.
*Stakeholder categorisation.
*Board structure.
*Corporate social responsibility (CSR).
*Group cash flow.
*IFRS 3 Business combinations revised.
*Financial instruments.
*Non-financial reporting.
*Related party transactions.
*Cash flow statements.
*Analysis-type question – PESTEL or on risks.
*Product choice use of BCG.
*SWOT, Ansoff and change management.
*Opportunities and problems of different growth strategies, eg acquisition and organic growth.
*CSF and PI – relate to a scenario.
*Ethics – business benefits of being socially responsible (short question).
*Quality – six sigma linked in with the CMMI model (possibly technical).
*Project management – stages of the project with stakeholder mapping of project members.
*Supply chain management.
*IT – general question relating to the benefits of e-commerce. Also use of the internet and development of a niche strategy.
*Investment appraisal – overseas investments (FDI).
*Business valuation.
*Option pricing – Black Scholes Model.
*Interest rate hedging – futures and options.
*Stakeholders and conflict of objectives.
*Bond pricing and credit spreads.
*Divisional performance and benchmarking.
*Transfer pricing.
*Activity based management.
*Profit calculation.
*Modern developments.
*Corporate failure.
*Environmental management accounting.
*Corporate tax.
*Income tax.
*Inheritance tax question – this is the only question that is likely to be largely numerical and therefore require lots of calculations. Written parts, if any, are likely to be on trusts, deeds of variation or interaction with CGT.
*Incorporation of a business (life cycle of a sole trader style).
*Share for share exchanges, perhaps to create a group of OMBs.
*Tax efficient ‘remuneration’ planning for a director.
*Industrial buildings allowances, specifically on a building being sold.
*Controlled foreign companies.
*Gift relief and lifetime gifts.
*Car and loan benefits.
*Business property relief.P7 ADVANCED AUDIT & ASSURANCE
*Ethics/professional issues.
*Planning/risk assessment (audit risk).
*Forensic auditing.
*Prospective financial information.
*Evidence gathering.
*Corporate governance.
Have a look and good luck in your coming sitting. Leave comment to thank me ^_^
Put some USEFUL questions and answers that will sure help other ACCA students
I repeat....Use at your own risk!
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Important Streategies for Students
1. Eat Frequent Small Meals
Frequent small meals are best because big meals will make your body go into a "rest" mode, makes you feel sleepy...
2. Study When You Are Efficient
Are you more efficient in the morning or at the evening or midnight(night owl)? Schedule your most difficult materials when you are mentally at your best, and put the easier topics when you are mentally less efficient.
3. Drink a lot of Water
During revision you might forget you are thirsty so remind yourself to drink more water. Caffeine may help, but it can increase your anxiety and don't smoke a lot.
4. Tidy Your Desk
Not everything is needed in your desk so put away what you do not need for the revision. Non-related stuffs will create a distraction during your revision.
5. Take Breaks Every Hour
Recommends to take breaks at least once an hour helps to sustain your concentration (sustain capabilities advantages). You may need a longer break if you feel you find yourself hard to concentrate back...
6. Light Exercise During Your Breaks
Have to know your concentration span which will vary for everyone. When you sit for long periods, you will feel a bit fatigue probably lack of oxygen so take a few deep breaths and get more oxygen to your brain.... Walking around and doing some light exercises for a few minutes. It will help to release tension in your body, and help your circulation.
Good Luck in your revision for coming ACCA December 2008 exams =)
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Get Ready Some MONEY!!
Yeah time to start counting the money you have and get ready to paid the amount for the next semester fees!! Which is RM 1,465...and for those who are facing resits in Jan/Feb please submit the form before 18 November 2008!Already last semester still need RM 1400++, I thought it just cost RM 900++ because just 2 external subjects = (
Our next semester will commence on 15 December 08...5 days after ACCA exams.
In case you have no idea why...well read this
Week 7 is the CNY week. You may assume it is holiday and celebrate CNY. Kindly check with your individual option unit lecturers for replacements/progress test dates rescheduling arrangement.
Students MUST come back for week 8 on the 2 March 2009. It is approxumately a month's break in between week 7 and week 8.
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Year 2 Semester 1 was bad?
Advanced diploma in Financial Accounting (AFA2)second year, first semester 2008 was bad for me...Because I had friends who failed and myself had failed too =___= so frustrated. How many had you guys failed?
I had 2 failed is not external exams yet....It was internal and there are a lot of students who at least failed 1 subject. Well I take the fail as a motivation to work for my coming external. Some of my friends started to go for tuition especially seminars, probably just to get some last minute guide. It's a great motivation(in this perspective).
Good Luck....
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