This is the walk through at Skyway cable car ..... All pretend paiseh don't dare take picture, but PeiLing so brave ( muka tebal) terus 1st person take picture XD wahahaha... I Salute!!!

This guy really acting....Really like take photo but pretend shy shy.....

There finally his true motive came out, a cute cute pose haha

This guy FaiZai, this time he was not blur blur liao, only when go trip no blur nia..... other time he sure blur blur geh :P

Just now the picture was ok, not too bright, but this picture taken with Junichi become too bright -___-

All taking pictures in the cable car, I think they all used Darlie to brush their teeth because they all show white teeth....

Told you FaiZai was not blur, the 2 guys in the picture more blur than him, didn't notice got people taking picture of them.

A picture with the London Bus, tell you a secret..... We use the Rubbish can a.k.a Genting Tong Sampah to put our camera at the right angle and take the picture together. PROFESSIONAL!!

Got locked inside, struggling to get out of the phone booth, I think he likes to be locked inside haha

KiaHong too thirsty so he took a sip from the fountain.... forgot to ask him about the taste of it....

4 Ultramen trying to save who from Genting?

This was the first round, Foggy weather.... but the ride was still carry on.... I forgot what was the name of the ride, but I do know that we all were dizzy after the ride.... Spin my mind out =.=

Now this was the second round of ride.... Guess who holding the camera? Biting, she said she felt dizzy after the ride. And Kent showing his hamsap tongue...OMG

As you can see we all were sitting on BABY CHAIRs!!!

Unbelievable eh? Baby chairs flying and spinning around in the air

It was fun, we all were yelling like crazy people who were recently being released from Tanjung Rambutan >.<

Too many pictures.... I need to separate it into few parts to talk...
This trip is the biggest ever!!End of PART 1
haha,,too few man ..mr ong..i hopng for next topic wan..i hope for more part ..tis jz end of part 1...i agree wif u "tis s the bigest ever" for me..tat day was fun.and enjoy..hapy to have enting trip wif u all..thanka for giving me such joyable day ..all my fren..all the best in practical training
waiting for Part2....
keep ur good work.....
GG... really is an unforgotable trip... cos i cant sleep at there whole nite...ms ong..thz u for accompany me go drink hot milo tat time when i cant sleep ar!!!
GG betul, cos i kena halao tak boleh masuk casino...GG punya casino...GG punya security...
sien liao , all no here liao, start work liao , sien liao...
GG all GG when next time we go? Next time i assure you can masuk, i promise!!
Thank you for drinking with me oso.... I will never forget we dating there HAHA!!!
Oh.u aLl dating there..haha.. i know kenT kor can sliP aT nIte..wH sudeNly like tat..tat time aLl otheR sLip le?..yaya..mr ongs RIgHt .nexT round i oso wIll aSsure you can maSuk..hehe..Dn aNgRy haLau meaN us sTill YouNgeR maH.^^..izzit less peOPle knOW Tis bLog Hv updaTE to paRt2..my gaNg there nO pEOPle cOmment wan.pls .see picture liaO mus cOmment a bIt lo..Tis iS 1 Of the criteria For viewiNg tis blOG..^@^keep oN goiNg MR OnG .
sien lor no ppl visit no ppl comment im gonna run out of juice later then im gonna quit lor.....no one support >.< funny story oso become no use if no one come support T_T
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