— Alan Hatfield, director-learning, ACCAWe congratulate those who have succeeded in their exams – and we are delighted to see that more than 7,000 have completed their examinations, having been able to demonstrate the financial knowledge and professional skills which are needed by organisations in challenging economic conditions. We look forward to welcoming them to ACCA membership on completion of their practical experience requirements"
June 2012 session ACCA Qualification pass rates:
Paper F1, Accountant in Business, 64%*
Paper F2, Management Accounting, 52%*
Paper F3, Financial Accounting, 57%*
Paper F4, Corporate and Business Law, 54%
Paper F5, Performance Management, 42%
Paper F6, Taxation, 45%
Paper F7, Financial Reporting, 48%
Paper F8, Audit and Assurance, 56%
Paper F9, Financial Management, 37%
Paper P1, Governance, Risk and Ethics, 53%
Paper P2, Corporate Reporting, 49%
Paper P3, Business Analysis, 49%
Paper P4, Advanced Financial Management, 36%
Paper P5, Advanced Performance Management, 35%
Paper P6, Advanced Taxation, 42%
Paper P7, Advanced Audit and Assurance, 32%
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