ACCA P2 Class Notes June 2011

The main objective of P2 Corporate Reporting is to test your understanding of financial reporting. So you basic accounting knowledge has to be strong! Then you have to understand the standards being published.

The paper consist of 2 sections

1) Section A (Compulsory Case Study)


2) Section B (Choose 2 out of 3 questions)

The below is the LSBF P2 notes ready for your ACCA Exam June 2011.

ACCA P2 Class Notes June 2011 Version 6 FINAL 13th Jan
For printable version pls visit ACCA Globe

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ACCA P3 Class Notes June 2011

Here's the class notes for ACCA P3 Business Analysis from LSBF.

Because of the change in syllabus in June 2011 exam, you will need all the updated materials as much as possible! 1 month to go before the exam arrived!

BPP important aspects of the syllabus including:

  • The strategic position of an organisation
  • The strategic choices open to an organisation
  • Strategic action
  • Modelling and redesigning business process
  • Information technology solutions
  • Quality initiatives to implement and support the organisation's strategy
  • Project management
  • The role of finance in formulating and implementing business strategy
  • The role of leadership and people management in formulating and implementing business strategy

ACCA P3 Class Notes June 2011
For printable version of this ACCA text pls visit ACCA Globe
ACCA P3 Class Notes June 2011 (LSBF)
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ACCA Exam Entry Deadline

15 APRIL 2011


The only way for you to make prompt payment in such a short notice is via credit card or debit card payment. No bank draft or money order will be accept at this eleventh hour.

By the way, Malaysia Variant is still available so for those who wish to take Malaysia variant, well this is the last attempt! Don't miss it. Good Luck!

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Speaking + Writing = Good Job

In recent years, we are getting a lot of complaints from Corporate leaders regarding our English standard, it is getting better poor as the years gone by.

I remember when I was in secondary school, my Form 5 English teacher kept on nagging and nagging advising us to READ & READ & READ regardless of what materials because when you read you will get the idea of good English command.

Here's a list of what to read:-

1) Read dictionary to expand your vocabulary

2) Read novel / magazines / storybooks to improve writing (because they tend to put in description of scenery and environment)

According to a recent Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) survey, it is the most important trait employers look for when recruiting graduates.

The MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010 revealed that

(1) 68% communication skills as the top quality required in job applicants;
(2) working experience (67%),
(3) interpersonal skills (56.2%) and
(4) passion and commitment (55.7%).

MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said globalisation had changed the nature of jobs, making communication skills, specifically in English, a valuable asset for today's worker.

So now writing isn't enough for the corporate world, you need to be fluent in your English too. There is no other way to practise your speaking except SPEAK ENGLISH WITH PEERS AND FRIENDS.


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