Check Your Exam Entry!

For those of you who don't always go FB and check on the "AFA Dudes & Dudies" group wall then you might have miss this. So I am here to highlight to you guys telling you all to check the exam entry. Some of the students did not get the selected place!

Check your entry before 18th of May 2009.

Although I don't understand how they mistaken set different selection for students.

Finally exam is coming to an end(after AAA paper), it's time for you all to relax and enjoy a few days of holiday before the external ACCA exams and internal resit exams come, which is on JUNE 2009.

Remember to play hard and study smart!!

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Attention : FDM Marks

Dear AFA2 Class of 2009

You can check your marks for Financial Decision Making at room R207 on the following days:-

Saturday -- 25/4 --- 11.40pm - 1.10pm

Monday -- 27/4 --- 12.40pm - 1.10pm

Wednesday -- 29/4 --- 12.10pm - 1.10pm

Monday -- 4/5 --- 12.40pm - 1.10pm

The above is scheduled to coincide with your final exam dates and times. Kindly note that the marks are subject to revision and approval of the Board of Examiners.

I hope you had fun with your assignments. I structured them so that you could draw deep within your personal experiences in College. And learn useful things which you can go on to apply in your working life. I was often pleasantly surprised by the in-depth quality of your reports and presentations. The strong marks reflect all your efforts.

In ending, let me share with you a poem from Robert Frost as you prepare to embark on a new journey:-
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I....
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

So I wish all of you exam success, a fulfilling career and as the Chinese saying goes, "May you live in interesting times".

Warmest regards

From SamSeiko :
Good luck in exams everyone....

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Female Be Aware of the Tricks

Recently there is a forward email defaming a student, probably the story is true but we have no concrete evidence about it so we cannot conclude it is the truth. We're open to any sources that had any knowledge about this matter(TARC CASANOVA, or TARC PLAYBOY).

Now the recent forward email is about a guy name Eric(now known as one of the TARC CASANOVA, or TARC PLAYBOY) who woo girls without any sincerity and only have one intention (SEX), currently he is a student in DPR1.

Of course I do not know him personally but from the email(TARC CASANOVA, or TARC PLAYBOY) I get, seems pretty much genuine as it doesn't seem like a made-up conversation. So if there is anyone from DPR1 please provide us more information so we know the reliability/credibility of facts(TARC CASANOVA, or TARC PLAYBOY) in the email.

I would like to show my sympathy towards all the female victims. It is not respectful to treat female or any human being this way! If this email is true I hope this guy be ashamed of what he had done and it's humiliation towards own family too! But I should warn female too, this kind of incident always involving 2 parties, if the respondent party(female) did not give in then this matter would not have happen. Please think of the consequences before succumb into lust.
So female beware of guys who always ask for sex, even we(male) find it inappropriate!
Couple in love without sex can still hold onto the relationship!

Now I wanna comment on these conversations from email "TARC CASANOVA" or "TARC PLAYBOY"................

witness 6#
'I saw him trying to force a girl to have sex with him in a car. I don't know what happen after that.'

Just being the spectator? Then I think he is no better than Eric!!
Coursemate 1#
' Eric? Fuck him la. Always talk rubbish. Didn't think bout the things before saying'

LOL talk about himself? Did he even think before giving out such comment that doesn't help/add value?

Coursemate 3#
' You ask me about that sohai? No need la. Talk rubbish all the time. Thought he's handsome try to kao all the girls. He and his friend same only la. Both live same house both also sohai...'

I find this waaaay too funny =) Don't you think so?

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As you can see clearly your Kaplan Advanced Financial Management is a PIRATED VERSION, I feel sorry for all those students who bought it. Seems like we made a huge mistake for not calling up Kaplan center to clarify the legal distributor existence before purchasing the books.

The supplier is very bold and cunning to cheat TARC students and thinking he might get away but I believe one day he will be thrown to jail! Clearly this Maxim guy knows the loop hole in law that is why he got away this time....Could not believe that people could come around TARC and cheat the students money and got away, this is happening to us for the first time and I hope it will be the last time.

I can tell you that students know when they have been scammed. The time my friends received the books they knew it's pirated and they have no idea what to do with the book but to use it since the semester had started. In the end the victims are TARC students...... I urge all future TARC students to be diligent in checking out the legal distributor of original text books, this is to ensure you all get the original text on time and with promised quality and also to avoid being will never know when the scammers gonna strike again!

For those of you who did not log into CeL, I think once a while you should! Ms Geh had apologized to AFM students but TARC will not as TARC did not take any initiative to deal with text books purchasing activity. We should thank Ms Geh(who is also a victim too) for taking the initiative to help out students.

My point of view is, we can't do anything and since it is almost end of the course let's forget it! But always remind your friends and other peers to take note of this so they can avoid it next time from being scammed. It's serious since people DISGUISE as LEGAL DISTRIBUTOR and selling pirated books around colleges. Therefore, I urge everyone to pass around the news so they can take note!

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Fill up Your EVALUATION Surveys!

You as a student has the responsibility to do your part in filling up the evaluation surveys of your taken subjects. The survey due date on 17th of APRIL 2009 so please complete it ASAP!

Only require you to fill in all related subjects survey except MORAL.

BUT if you still want to do MORAL Survey PLEASE CONTINUE READING!!!FOLLOW THE STEPS!!! **This survey only for those students who are under Ms Chew Wei Wei.


Go to this page and click on "Unit and Instructor Evaluation Survey SBS" please make sure your JAVA and cookie are enabled.

Next follow on the picture guide you through.

Now it require you to key in password...Yeah no one knows the password so no need to do? But actually they given the hint which is our tutor name but without space "chewweiwei" like this then you can do the survey.

That's all!

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Few days ago I was faced some problem on my e-banking account (can’t login)
So I decided to call maybank customer service. Suddenly this question came to my mind, “how to pronounce the ( _ ) har? Bcoz my user name hv this symbol and I afraid the person might ask me my username ( I not sure it is called underscore or not) ,so i googled it.. After that I have found this page, which I found is quite useful..
i hope u won’t laugh at me, coz majority of the symbols i really dunno how to pronounce..
i hope this table is helpful to all of u..
(adapted from

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FDM Replacement Class

Dear all Class Rep and Asst. Class Rep,

As mentioned in the previous tutorial, all my tutorial classes for FDM in coming week have been cancelled and postpone to Friday, 10 April 2009.

The following are the available slots for your class to choose and attend:
8.30 am - 10.30am
10.30am - 12.30pm
1.00pm - 3.00pm
3.00pm - 5.00pm
5.00pm - 7.00pm

The replacement class for all the above shall be carry out at VENUE: Q207.
Please help to compile the number of students from each group to attend at eacd time slot above. Then reply to me in email

Sorry for the inconvenient......

Your further action and effort is much appreciated

Warmest regards,
Please leave the comment of which time you(group) want to pick!!!FASTER!!!

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TARC offers Sibling Discount

Yeah TARC is offering sibling discount now! In the old days TARC did not offer any discounts to us, they only offer scholarship range from 50% to 100%. Now TARC is making a new promotion by offering sibling discount but other colleges or universities are offering sibling or TWIN discounts. Well finally TARC made a new move to attract more students to enroll at TARC.

Before you apply for the discount you have to learn and understand the term "SIBLING".
Sibling - one of two or more children having ONE or BOTH parents in common.
This does not include family members outside sibling relationship such as fostered,
step brother/step sister, god brother/god sister etc.
Current students TARC students who are studying in a full-time full-fee paying
TARC Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma course.

Now let's have a look at their terms

The sibling discount covers 50% of the tuition fees for the 1st semester only ie May 2009 Semester. This sibling discount is not transferable to another student/sibling.

The 50% discount on tuition fee will be reimbursed by end August 2009. Students must still be pursuing the course at the time of fee reimbursement

More info - Sibling Discount

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Not everything must have experience and will be possible.

Funny that .today .I have discuss some issue with my friend at college ..and we have come out some .topic which it remind me again ..the possible thing and experience issued...

I found that when we do everything also need experience wan ..only can master it working life as well.But hate that .sometime .even is accumulated experience do help a lot but it does not much for some PArticular people.Some time teacher teaching also required experience .Finally i found it wrong.because according to MR CHina always mention that already teach you for so many years..did i have experience to teach u all.I found i want to vomit..he makes me believe got experience it doesnt mean everything.

ANother fellow which always keep teach me dont give up and look things on the right side and positive thinking..Because in his mind EVERYTHING COULB BE POSSIBLE...this word really strong mean .because gives people hope..Why dont become a consultant can consult people..because EVERYTHING IS THE SAME MAH >.AND COULD BE POSSIBLE.thats what u told me before..According to this MR possible.I can persive that he life is full of joyful and possible..everything can be possible i can saw it .anywhere that .he so freely like a boss..Why he always say .."It always the same".early stage I dont get what it mean.But after I saw the result outcome i knew why always the same.because he tried to emphasize he and other people the same...Same experience .same qualified ,so please dont complaint and blame .As he say when company run down.cost will eat out the we have to cut this cut there ..cut all unneccessary activities and cost..everything also cut cut cut..So can we consider cut your salary because underperformance .? cannot right?..definetely u will say so ..haha

Talking about underperformance.MR always keep mention it..maybe he no confident about itself..always keep ask people out and ask ."What have you learn today "actually u no nid to care about whether u underperform or not lo .Because .from all point of view .You like did not perform before.I did not learn from you .From MR C.we learn the matter of punctuality.No matter on what things .also slower than people.and why still act like so responsible faced..

I think both of them cannot transform to other profession that always keep force people do homework..and which I found it good.But I get the nightmare with that subject so.cant join.Both them why dont learn from MR L.that no need do anything .and no care about experience and performance.everyday .woo girls..haha

Will we all become.millionaire..will we all become rich ..I think could be possible lo .haha..
(Disclaimer--story above does not mention none of my friend and even other single character or other person..IT stricky just a story)

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