Hackers announced Cyberwar with Malaysia Government

Unbelievable or predicted? The hackers are officially in Cyberwar with Malaysia Government! Really starts to make everyone wonder who will prevail??

Anonymous also accused the Government of censoring movies and television shows, and for restricting the Internet, which it says is a basic human right.

“We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom, we are obligated to act fast and have no mercy,” the group said in its statement on Tuesday.

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Bye Bye Free Downloads

The MCMC did it once again!

If you're experiencing low seeding or no respond after clicking "Download", it actually means these torrents and direct downloads are BLOCKED! Well I guess it's finally here. It comes to an end to our free-ride for all materials including musics, ebooks and movies. To add on the bad news, more websites to be banned as stated by MCMC *Gasp* no more Megaupload and no more torrent sharing and soon Rapidshare gonna get blocked too.... I foresee heavy downloading on these few days =D Work hard guys!

Thanks MCMC now we all will start support ORIGINAL, you think??????

On May 30, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had written a letter to all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) ordering the block.

The letter was signed by Digital Security Services division acting senior director Eneng Faridah Iskandar.

The letter, which was leaked online, also stated that the websites were being blocked for breaching Section 41 of the Copyright Act 1987, which deals with pirated content.

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Google Guitar (destress mode)

先换去keyboard mode

菊花台 123 356 6098865 65321 122132 123 356 6098898 5537812321

红河谷 146 666 5654 146 468 765 876 654 5687 221 345 654

Jingle bells 666 666 68456 7777766 66655658 666 666 68456 7777766 6688754

row, row, row your boat 11123 32345 888 555 333 111 54321

玛丽的小绵羊 3212333 222 333 321233324321

两只老虎 1231 1231 345 345 565431 565431 414 414

伦敦大桥垮下来 5654345 234 345 5654345 2 5 31 5654345 234 345 5654345 2 5 31

McDonalds 12365321

生日快乐 112143 112154 1186432 776454

欢乐颂 ‎3345 5432 1123 322 3345 5432 1123 211

小星星 1155665 4433221 5544332 5544332 1155665 4433221

小蜜蜂 533 422 1234555 533 422 13551 2222234 3333345 533 422 13551

Baa Baa black sheep 115567865 4433221 5554443332 5554564 3221

沧海一笑 pouyt uytew wewetyuop ppouyty

上海滩 356 666 352 222 356865132

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Sitting is KILLING YOU!

To find out how Sitting is gonna get yourself killed, continue read this! It's gonna be worthwhile~

So do more standing and walking, and reduce sitting down so often!
Sitting is Killing You
Via: Medical Billing And Coding

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